Class of 2024

Congratulations to all of our wonderful seniors!
Click on each name to learn more about time at FCDS and college plans.

List of 27 items.

  • Sienna Alday

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    I am most looking forward to playing field hockey at Williams next year. I have worked hard to get to this point and I can't wait to work hard and have fun next year. 

    College: Williams College
  • Hope Allen

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite memory is prom this year. It was so fun to hang out with all of my friends and also get to see everyone else all in one evening. Everything just came together that night; I got to see older friends from middle school and my first year here and also spent time with my current friends! It was super fun and a great end to my time here! 

    College: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Tommy Andrews

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    College: Appalachian State University
  • Rhodes Baker

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    College: Wake Forest University
  • Sadie Baldwin

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory is meeting friends that I know will always be able to count on, and who have helped me grow into my own. 

    College: University of Michigan 
  • Holden Caldwell

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory was my Maymester junior year. I went on the backpacking trip and it was beyond fun. My favorite part of that trip was fly fishing with all my friends. 

    College: Appalachian State University 
  • Bobby Cannon

    First year at FCDS:
    12th grade

    College: Indiana State University
  • Lilirose Caty

    First year at FCDS:
    3rd grade

    My favorite memory at FCDS was winning a track state championship with the team in 2021. 

    College: Forsyth Technical Community College
  • Sharon Chepkoech Magut

    First year at FCDS:
    12th grade

    I am most looking forward to accomplishing my dream of becoming a nurse.

    College: North Carolina Central University 
  • Erika Choopani

    First year at FCDS:
    6th grade

    I'm most looking forward to learning and growing both academically and personally in college. I am also excited to discover my passions through a diverse range of courses and experiences. Go Terriers! 

    College: Wofford College
  • Maia Cook

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite class has been AP 2D Design, as it has fostered my passion for film photography and deepened my appreciation for creative processes. Over the last two years in which I have taken the class, I have really enjoyed having the independence to direct my own artistic pursuits by exploring new methods of creating personally meaningful work. It has been a wonderful creative outlet amidst a heavy workload and has cemented my interest in pursuing photography in college. 

    College: Bard College
  • Tyler Davis

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    I’m most looking forward to going to college and becoming a nurse! I am really excited to meet new people and have more freedom. 

    College: University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Walker Dew

    First year at FCDS:

    My favorite teacher is Mr. Martin. I had a great time in his science class learning while also having a lot of fun with my good friends. 

    College: University of Mississippi
  • Caroline Dunnagan

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    Mr. Trotter has always been there for me whenever I needed him. He is an amazing teacher, mentor, and friend. I couldn’t have found my passions without him. 

    College: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Natalie Ellis

    First year at FCDS:

    College: North Carolina State University
  • Stephen Filotas

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    I’m looking forward to having more freedom and enjoying my classes in college.

    College: University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • Callum Forest

    First year at FCDS:
    Junior Pre-K and 8th grade

    My favorite teacher is by far Dr. Sponholtz. Not only is he an amazing teacher but he is also the greatest advisor I’ve ever had. I’ve learned so much about the world of chemistry in Dr. Sponholtz’s class as well as significant life lessons that will tremendously help me as I continue to grow and develop as an individual. I owe my academic successes and achievements to Dr. Sponholtz and all of his hard work as a teacher at Forsyth Country Day School. 

    College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Jahon Foster

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    College: Trinity Valley Community College
  • Owen Fowler

    First year at FCDS:
    Jr. Pre K 

    My favorite memories are all of the memories I have made through athletics. Whether it's a state championship lacrosse team or a 1-16 record soccer team, I always had tons of fun. 

    College: Appalachian State University
  • Devon French

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    College: North Carolina State University
  • Olivia Gornik

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    Mr. Kildahl has been such an amazing mentor and teacher, I will miss him very much. I am so thankful for the support and kindness he has shown me, and especially for letting me and my friends eat lunch in his room every day! 

    College: Colorado State University
  • Ava Gwinner

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite memory was winning states for swim and soccer in my sophomore year. Dr. Sponholtz was my favorite teacher. I enjoyed his organic chemistry and AP chemistry because he would always go above and beyond to make sure all students understood and would be ready for college.

    FCDS has prepared me well by giving me independence and one-on-one help from my teachers helping to prepare me for college. In college, I'm excited to continue studying courses that I have enjoyed at FCDS. 

    College: North Carolina State University
  • Springer Hiatt

    First year at FCDS:
    2nd grade

    My favorite class was AP English and Comp with Mrs. Harrington. I came into it expecting to master writing skills or dive into literature and while that expectation was met I left learning more about how to think rationally, respectfully, and tactics to engage in friendly debate. Mrs. Harrington told us that if we learn one thing from her class she would want it to be for us to keep an open mind and that is just the surface that we scratched in how to think philosophically in a modern world. 

    College: Villanova University
  • Mitchel Hopkin

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    I always loved going to Mr. Kildahl's room with my friends during lunch because it felt like our own personal space. Mr. Kildahl has always been a welcoming presence to me and I am grateful that he's put up with me all these years.

    FCDS has really assisted me in knowing how to write quickly and eloquently. Essays used to feel like this unimaginable burden but now I can write one out very quickly. This is all due to my wonderful English teachers, of course, who had enough patience with me to teach me how to write well. 

    College: University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Alec Jin

    First year at FCDS:
    Junior Pre-K

    My favorite FCDS memory is going to field days in middle school. I remember being so excited to go down the water slides with my friends!

    College: Princeton University
  • Landon Johnson

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    College: WVU Potomac State College
  • Zaria Jones

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    College: North Carolina A&T University

List of 27 items.

  • Iverson King

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    College: Presbyterian College
  • Louise King

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory was painting my parking spot over the summer. We would listen to music, talk, get lunch, and just spend time together while painting. I just loved the relaxing time with my friends before school started. 

    College: Fairfield University
  • Rae Klosterman

    First year at FCDS:
    6th grade

    FCDS has prepared me for college because I learned how to efficiently manage my time. FCDS also prepared me to understand what I want to study in the future, audio engineering, by giving me reachable opportunities. 

    College: Belmont University 
  • Hridoy Kundu

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite teachers were Dr. Sponholtz and Mr. Amos because they supported me and gave me motivation to continue being ambitious, making me better every day.

    College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Emily Kusnic

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    I look forward to playing basketball in college.

    College: Averett University 
  • Natalie Kusnic

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite class was business class with Coach Bohan. He really engaged with us and made class fun like when we had class outside! With each lesson he taught us, we could play a game to go along with it so it was fun for everyone! 

    My four years at Forsyth have been a blessing! I am glad for all of the opportunities and amazing people I have met. 

    College: Averett University
  • Lucas Lahargou

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    My favorite memory was going to Carowinds with my physics class. I had a blast and went on lots of roller coasters and played at the arcade.

    Mr. Amos is my favorite teacher because he's funny and we could play games on his board after he taught us pre-calculus. He is a warmhearted person.

    I am looking forward to being more disciplined and studying as much as I can in college and making life-long friends. 

    College: University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Alexandra López

    First year at FCDS:
    Junior Pre-K and 4th grade

    My favorite memories at FCDS have always been the International Festivals. Since my mom has always organized them, I was always a part of the planning and the day as a whole. I love the way the decor and passion transform our school and I also admire the impact it has had on me and the student body. My favorite part of these festivals is both of my parents being able to come and be a part of this event. 

    College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Jonny Maves

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    I look forward to the variety of people I will meet and become acquainted with in college as well as the freedom to pursue the academic ventures that interest me. 

    College: CSU Monterey Bay 
  • Robby Maves

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    College: Appalachian State University
  • Andrew McBride

    First year at FCDS:
    Junior Pre-K 

    My favorite FCDS memory is buddy day. I always loved the big buddies coming to visit and play with us when I was little. I remember I always looked up to them. And when I became their age, I was glad that I could be the big buddy to create the same experience for other kids. 

    College: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • JahKiya McClellan

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    College: North Carolina Central University
  • Mary Douglas Mendenhall

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite FCDS memories were both the senior class trip to the whitewater center and prom. They were amazing opportunities to get closer with my friends and general grade. 

    College: Furman University
  • Isaac Merkel

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    Dr. Sponholtz is my favorite teacher because he has been an incredible mentor and educator. 

    College: Tulane University
  • Jake Michalek

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    College: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Ryan Moore

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite teacher during my time at Forsyth was Dr. Sponholtz. He is an extremely wise man who provides incredible knowledge. He also has an enjoyable curriculum and would always tell us amazing stories about some of his accomplishments in life. 

    College: Virginia Military Institute 
  • Hailey Newsome

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite teacher is Mr. Kildahl because I had him every year of high school and he was extremely supportive of me and my art endeavors. He always gave me great advice about how I could better my art pieces and techniques. 

    College: Furman University
  • Ryan Nichols

    First year at FCDS:
    Junior Pre-K 

    My favorite FCDS memory was in fourth grade when we would all play capture the flag outside on the playground during recess for months. 

    College: United States Naval Academy
  • Lealand Oakes

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite class has been Latin with Mrs. Siokis. I have taken this language since sixth grade, and it has always been such a good environment. I will miss this class and our discussions so much. Habe Bonum Diem! 

    College: Elon University
  • Jessa Pacholke

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite memories were winning some very hard lacrosse games with my friends and teammates. 

    College: Appalachian State University
  • Wade Pardue

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    College: Appalachian State University
  • Luca Pass

    First year at FCDS:

    My favorite memory at FCDS is the DC trip we went on in 8th grade. It was a really fun and interesting trip where we got to see so many cool places. Touring the US Capital Building was the highlight for me. I am very glad I got to experience it. 

    College: United States Military Academy
  • Erik Petruzzi

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite teachers are Mr. French, Dr. Sponholtz, and Mr. Cavanaugh because they are easygoing, making the class enjoyable.

    I am looking forward to being part of a team full-time, having more time to myself, and doing what I need. 

    College: West Virginia University
  • Archer Petter

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    I'm excited for college and the opportunity to improve my programming skills. As well as improving in other areas as well. 

    College: Worcester Polytechnical Institute
  • Draven Pilson

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    College: Emory & Henry College
  • Pedro Rabadan Ribeiro

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite class was Engineering II as I was introduced to a lot of new concepts that I now will be pursuing in college. 

    College: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • Juliana Rocha Lima

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

List of 25 items.

  • Brandon Ruff

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    Mrs. Siokis is my favorite teacher. 

    College: Elon University
  • CJ Salyer

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    College: University of North Carolina Wilmington
  • Joe Schott

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory is during my junior year during a track meet toward the end of the season. It was a late night and we stopped at a Chick-fil-A as we were headed back to school. 

    College: Saint Louis University 
  • Ryan Shugart

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    College: Chapman University 
  • Sydney Simmons

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    I’m looking forward to meeting new people in college. 

    College: University of Pennsylvania
  • Victoria Simos

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite teacher is Coach Bohon because he is one of the laid back teachers and is very funny. 

    College: Eastern Carolina University
  • Lara Singh

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    I am looking forward to trying and learning new things by pushing myself out of my comfort zone and building good connections. 

    College: Rutgers University 
  • Sam Speakman

    First year at FCDS:
    1st grade

    My favorite class is APUSH with Mr. McBride. I always enjoyed his enthusiasm for history, and having a teacher who is really invested in both their subject and their students is special. 

    College: Wake Forest University
  • Molly Stauffer

    First year at FCDS:
    6th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory was going on different class trips I have been able to go on throughout the years. I especially enjoyed our senior whitewater rafting trip and our trip to Washington D.C. in 8th grade. 

    College: Wofford College
  • Andrew Steele

    First year at FCDS:
    12th grade

    College: Duke University
  • Caroline Sudler

    First year at FCDS:
    7th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory is the international festival we have every other year at FCDS. I always look forward to seeing all the different booths with traditional foods and candies from that country. I also love to watch the talent show filled with all kinds of cultural performances. 

    College: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Lizzie Surratt

    First year at FCDS:

    In college, I'm looking forward to getting a chance to start over, focusing on what I love doing, and meeting all kinds of people. 

    College: University of North Carolina at Greensboro 
  • Madeline Templeton

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite FCDS memories all come from my time playing sports. From winning back-to-back soccer state championships to having fun on the volleyball court, it has been a true blessing to participate in athletics at FCDS. 

    College: Brown University
  • Molly Thompson

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    My favorite class is Middle School Spanish Teaching Assistant with Señora Boone, who happens to be my favorite teacher as well. I have really enjoyed working with the middle schoolers for the past two school years. It is super fun to see them grow and learn in such a happy environment!

    College: Clemson University
  • Sophia Thompson

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite memory is getting superior at MPA.

    Mrs. Clay is my favorite educator because she makes everything fun.

    FCDS has given me a foundation to walk on my own, while still providing the right amount of support.

    I am looking forward to continuing my family’s attendance at HPU and seeing what’s in store for my future. 

    College: High Point University
  • Jerry Tian

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    College: University of Southern California 
  • Alan Trbonja

    First year at FCDS:
    8th grade

    My favorite memory was going to South Carolina with the tennis team. Dr. Sponholtz is my favorite teacher because he is very knowledgeable and knows how to teach it. FCDS helped me manage time. I am most looking forward to playing on the college tennis team.

    College: University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Ollie Turner

    First year at FCDS:
    10th grade

    My favorite FCDS memory was the first day of senior year when we woke up to watch the sunrise at school and did the senior parade. It was great to see everyone together after summer and everyone was so excited for senior year. 

    College: University of Colorado Boulder 
  • Asmithaa Vinukonda

    First year at FCDS:
    6th grade

    Mrs. Harrington has been one of the most integral parts of my experience at FCDS! Whether she's acting as my advisor, my teacher, or just a source of advice, she has always helped me grow and learn from both my mistakes and my successes. Without her support, wisdom, or humor, I don't think I would be as prepared as I am for college and beyond. 

    College: Washington University in St. Louis
  • Sadie Quinn Wall

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    I loved our class trips to Kersey Valley and the white water rafting center!

    College: Wofford College 
  • Alina Wang

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    I am most looking forward to in college is making new friends, and doing fantastic research with all the brilliant people. 

    College: Johns Hopkins University
  • Lily Weeks

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade 

    My favorite memory was the first day of school! My friends and I all got to school early for the sunrise and then just road around on our scooters during the parade. It was a great way to start off senior year! 

    College: Wofford College 
  • Evvy Williams

    First year at FCDS:
    11th grade

    My favorite memory is riding scooters around campus on our first day of school as seniors. Mr. Lauber is my favorite teacher because we have the same sense of humor and he’s just fun to talk to. I am looking forward to being more independent, and living without my parents and making new friends, experiences, and memories at college.

    College: North Carolina State University
  • Maxa Winfrey

    First year at FCDS:
    3rd grade

    My favorite FCDS memory is winning two state championships for soccer in a row. I really enjoyed being with the team and my friends and celebrating. The real state championship is the friends I made along the way. 

    College: Duquesne University 
  • Owen Wisenbaker

    First year at FCDS:
    9th grade

    In college, I am most looking forward to the opportunity to meet new people and find something to study that I can get really involved in. 

    College: Appalachian State University 
Forsyth Country Day School (FCDS) is a private, college preparatory, independent school for preschool through high school located in Lewisville, NC, just outside of Winston-Salem. Students benefit from a challenging academic curriculum, fine and performing arts, competitive athletics, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.

Non-Discrimination Policy: Forsyth Country Day School is committed to administering all education and employment activities without discrimination based on one’s race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, age, ability, gender identity, or sexual orientation.